When stepping into Drizzl'd, customers play a vital role in maintaining the positive and welcoming vibe we cherish. Drizzl'd etiquette isn't solely about staff behavior—it's about the collective effort to ensure everyone feels valued and respected.

Sharing is always caring!

Let's face it, life can be overwhelming at times. Whether it's the pressure of upcoming exams or the stress of job hunting, many visitors to our store are grappling with their own challenges. We understand, and we're grateful you choose Drizzl'd as a pick-me-up amidst the chaos.

So, let's set the record straight. We're not singling anyone out here. We simply want to remind everyone, ourselves included, that we're all human. A simple smile or a kind word can brighten someone's day more than you realise.

First and foremost, looking out for each is crucial. At Drizzl’d, we do encourage our staff to constantly look out for each other within the workplace. However, looking out for each other goes beyond our team! Whether it's patiently waiting in line or sharing a friendly nod with fellow customers, every small gesture fosters a sense of community within Drizzl'd.

Patience is equally essential from a customer's perspective, especially during peak hours. Recognising that our staff might be juggling multiple orders ensures a smoother experience for all. By staying calm and understanding, customers help create a more pleasant atmosphere for everyone.

Furthermore, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance or show appreciation for our staff's hard work. Whether it's seeking menu recommendations or offering feedback, your input shapes the Drizzl'd experience and helps build us into the company we dream and working towards of becoming!

In essence, Drizzl'd etiquette thrives on collaboration. By embracing values of kindness, patience, and mutual respect, each of us contributes to an environment where both staff and customers can thrive and feel at home.

Reece Arboleda

Delicious desserts and warm comforts is the natural way of life for me. Leading a busy life, I found that there is often a euphoric feeling that comes from indulging in a sweet treat that’s well deserved.


