In our fast-paced world, finding moments of joy and relaxation is more crucial than ever. As the weather gets colder and life gets busier, it’s important to invest in what makes us happy.

While many people invest in various activities and products to enhance their well-being, one often overlooked but highly effective investment is spending on desserts. Yes, this might sound biased, but hear us out. Indulging in sweet treats can significantly boost personal happiness and well-being, making it a worthwhile expenditure. We get it, life is busy, that’s why we’re open until late to ensure we’ve got your back!

So what are the economics of happiness in desserts? Hear us out.

We don’t know one person who remained sad after eating desserts.

The Psychological Boost

Desserts have an unparalleled ability to lift our spirits. The simple act of enjoying a delicious dessert triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" hormones. This chemical reaction can instantly improve mood and reduce stress. Treating yourself to a dessert after a long day or celebrating a small victory can provide a much-needed psychological boost, making you feel happier and more content.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Spending on desserts is not just about the sweet indulgence itself; it's about creating memorable experiences. Whether you're sharing a slice of cake with friends, enjoying a sundae with your family, or savoring a gourmet churro from Drizzl’d, these moments become cherished memories. The joy of sharing desserts fosters social connections and strengthens relationships, contributing to overall happiness.

A Rewarding Ritual

At Drizzl’d, we promote the idea of dessert as a reward extensively. Incorporating desserts into your routine as a reward system can be highly motivating. Knowing that a delightful treat awaits you at the end of a challenging task can enhance productivity and provide a sense of accomplishment. We offer a variety of delectable desserts that serve as the perfect reward for your hard work, making every achievement sweeter.

Supporting Local Businesses Like Drizzl’d

By spending on desserts, especially from local establishments like Drizzl’d, you're also supporting small businesses and contributing to the local economy. Though we’re a small, humble store in Moonee Ponds, we have big plans that are already starting to unfold. By indulging in Drizzl’d, you’ll be part of our journey, and one day, you’ll proudly say, “I was there at their first store!”

Indulgence Without Guilt

At Drizzl’d, we believe that desserts should be enjoyed without guilt. Our menu is crafted to offer not just delicious flavors but also a sense of indulgence that feels like a true reward. From our innovative flavors to our seasonal specials, every item is designed to bring joy and satisfaction.

In conclusion, spending on desserts is much more than a financial transaction; it's an investment in your happiness and well-being. So, treat yourself more often, and let Drizzl’d be your go-to destination for creating those joyful moments that make life sweeter. After all, “Yeah you deserve it!”

Reece Arboleda

Delicious desserts and warm comforts is the natural way of life for me. Leading a busy life, I found that there is often a euphoric feeling that comes from indulging in a sweet treat that’s well deserved.

